Friday, August 31, 2007

Flash News

This news will cheer up every member of the Fool's Paradise. For my fellow paparazzis...guys, it's party time. The Perpetual Thinker has learnt from reliable sources that Mr. Oxford is down with muttongunuya. The deadly virus that has been doing rounds in God' own country targeting innocent individuals decided to attack people who harass the intellectuals, who call themselves pissedoffpaparazzis . Apparently, Mr. Oxford didn't show any signs of the virus attack for three weeks.
He developed nausea, high temperature, restlessness (the symptoms we get while attending his classes) while cooling his nerves during a holiday in the hills. Heard that he preferedd the picturesque locales to come up with new ideas on how to make his classes people friendly.
He has been rushed to his house and is under medication. It is understood that the virus will take a looooooooooooonger time to part ways with Mr. Oxford, as the virus thrives on highly cerebral heads . Long live muttongunuya!!!!!
So, where are you guys treating me for breaking the news????

Report by The Perpetual Thinker

1 comment:

Anonymous said... made my day, thinker. You, according to me have already won the Pulitzer!